How I do love to fill my time! How about you? Has your time been accounted faithful, or fruitless? As I have been applying minimalism to my life I have seen God put his finger on two areas: though candidly He probably has a lot more….
The physical arena of projects. This one is something I have dealt with consistently through the years. I would finish all my projects and then fall off the band-wagon. I enjoy a number of crafting projects, like spinning, weaving, crocheting, knitting, sewing, beading etc. There is nothing inherently wrong with these, as many hobbies beautify our homes, or build quality in our lives. What God is asking of me is to finish what I’ve started. To be faithful with what is in my hand. To be attentive and obedient when He says no. I would finish all my projects and then fall off the band-wagon. If this is an area that is hard for you, seek Him for the process, for the order and method. Ask Him for wisdom and grace to finish. Because I have picked up projects that God never intended I am not accomplishing projects that He did intend! This really saddened my heart, as I am now finishing something that was not His will. I am always blessed when I finish a project, for actually FINISHING! and for being OBEDIENT, and for meeting the projects intended purpose. : ) I hope you also will honour the Lord with your work.
What am I actually doing with my time? This second area is harder for me to understand and therefore grow in. Where is our time being wasted or misused. We home-educate and I am teaching 4 children, at this time. So that takes a lot of hours. One of the issues I have found is magazines. I get hobby magazines that I will look through even though I don’t need anything. Depending on the size, this can take a half-an-hour or more. A magazine from Carol Wright, now I’m looking for Christmas gifts for people….AUGHHH!!! (I have started throwing those out) : ) What are areas in your life where you are making decisions, that ultimately are not the direction God wants you going? It could be reading books that are not best, or looking at recipes, or not making homes for things. Trips to town that could be consolidated, Pinterest, skimming the internet, or Facebook, whatever it is, God is a merciful and forgiving God! He’s the God of new beginnings.
He is also the God of 24 hours, which He created to be ENOUGH! 24 hours is His plan for you to do ALL you need to do. I am overwhelmed with what doesn’t get done, and yet He says 24 hours is enough. I need to spend time finding out what His plan is for the day, because His plan won’t overwhelm me into the next day…. Will you consider, “His Plan”? Time waits for no man. What would He have you lay down, for good, or for another day, that you planned for today? There are many factors that keep us “busy”. Sometimes our children motivate by our own past experiences in childhood or guilt with not meeting needs. Maybe our own selfishness is involved, whatever the factor, regular time in His presence will put these things into perspective, and you will have God’s vision for your day. At the end of my life I don’t want to account to the Kings of Kings with excuses of why I couldn’t. I want Him to say Well Done!
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