My belief system of the absolute impossibility of hearing God regularly, moment-by-moment does not line up with scripture. I need a new lens to assimilate truth. How many have gone before me in faith and by faith, hearing God regularly. The early disciples certainly understood the still small voice. Many, many others through His story have understood the daily means of an open ear to heaven. So while I AM HEARING GOD, I believe it to be my own thoughts most of the time, or only later realize it was God’s voice that spoke life. An ear toward that inner voice is a practice hourly, awash with forgiveness for myself when they day has passed and I realize I wasn’t. His grace is big enough to deal with my foolishness. And slowly a practice, will become my habit, bit by bit.
Put scripture throughout my home on 3×5’s or notecards. On the mirror in the bathroom, on my bulletin board, on my car dash, in my phone, etc
Regularly have the word being read in my home.
Build a list of scriptures on my phone that i am memorizing
Regularly play worship music
There are several key patterns that draw me away from God: Stress and anxiety, busyness, too much on my plate, not controlling my thought life, not spending quality time with the Lord each day. When I have these patterns they are an automatic, WAKE UP CALL! I stop and spend time with the Lord, asking for forgiveness for ignoring Him. And yes it is done over the sink or with my head in the washer! : )) I am regularly asking God to remind me to spend time with Him, to focus on Him. In retrospection, I really want relationship with the Father. I really want closeness daily, where I am acknowledging Him and becoming like Him. Praise God I can hear His voice! : )
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